Megan R. Holmes, PhD, is a mother to Madeline, Owen, and Lucas, and wife to Scott. She is a Professor of Social Work and Founding Director of the Center on Trauma and Adversity in the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Her research and clinical work focuses on promoting resilience among children and empowering women. (Author & Illustrator) Full Bio | Twitter

Linda K. O’Dell, PhD, is a mother to Steven, Megan, and Laura, and wife to Mike. She has five incredible grandchildren (Madeline, Ava, Owen, Layla, and Lucas). Linda is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in trauma. In spare moments, Linda dons a bee suit, and cares for bees in their backyard apiary, as well as those in the family apiary on Isla Tranqui, Chile. (Author & Illustrator)

Diana E. Schneider is a mother of five children; grandmother of 13 grandchildren; and great-grandmother of 11 great-grandchildren. She was the wife of Tom. Incredibly creative, Diana, is a brilliant storyteller, and has always loved writing. Like her mother, Tanya, Christmas is her favorite holiday. Year after year, her home has been filled with family and friends gathering around tree and table. Diana resides in Orinda, California. (Author)

Madeline Holmes was 10 years old when co-authored Jammie Claus. She enjoys being on the water, rowing, and art projects such as sewing, sculpting, and drawing. She loves spending time with her friends. (Author)